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Showing posts from August, 2017

I'm Like You!!!

Whenever we speak about love, one thing that comes to our mind is a relationship. But aren’t we wrong on some or the other point in our way of thinking. Today I’m going to share how a son feels when he is going to meet his dad after 24 years, whom he haven’t met his whole life, after he lost his mother, he was alone without any family presence. And suddenly some-how he gets to know about his dad being in Sydney… Without wasting any time he takes a flight to Sydney… While travelling, the thoughts coming to his mind are what defined a true love between son and father… He says to himself,” Ma told me all about you, she showed me your photo. So I know who you are and don’t we go back a long time? Knowing you, makes me feel like I’m seeing some-one like me, and I suddenly realized I’m your son.” As soon as he sets foot in Sydney, he sets to his dad’s office to meet him; where he takes an appointment to meet him. His only dream was to be with his father forever. But time not alwa...

Reforming People, Reforming India

Hello everyone, First of all, I would like to greet you all Happy Independence Day. Every year on the 15th of August we see our flag getting hoisted. I'm not going to speak about what independence is? What it means to us? Every one of us knows about it... Many people gave their lives for our nation, rather being more precise they did not hesitate to die only because of one reason; they had belief in their upcoming generation that if they die; our nation is sure in hands of good people. As you know the light is incomplete without dark... The same way we faced many dark moments as well as light moments. Now you must be thinking... I too will give you a short namesake long speech on present corruption and other related crimes... A sweet answer to your thinking is... NO, I'm not going to speak about it... Media and internet do it better than me. So what am I going to say today...? Actually, I was a bit confused at the very start about what to say; but later giving it a thought...

Friends Forever

First of all Happy Friendship Day to all of you ... Today this text will not have story of any person but will have something more important than a story . Someone said , " We are Born alone We Die alone ". What is your opinion about it ? If you ask me this question , I ' ll say , " At time of my birth I saw eyes welcoming me into this world , My family ... At time of my first day in school I saw many eyes eager to talk to each other ... At time of my Farewell Party in school I saw many eyes with peak pitches saying we are gonna miss each other a lot ... At time of my first date I saw eyes willing to be with me forever ... At time of my last day in college I saw eyes saying this is too early to part away ... Soon cycle of nature repeats and we gave birth to new eyes willing to see the world with new passion ... new l...