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65 Days - Part 3

When we achieve something new in our life, we tend to forget about our past. But the clock never stops it goes round and round in one direction. So it is on us how we deal with our clock in life. Now you must be wondering about why I am using such philosophical statements, but these statements do resemble someone’s life, and he is none other than our protagonist. We know about the most shocking day of his life, after which he learned a few things which he made his principles, of not falling in true love with someone again. And we also know about how he was engrossed in late night chats with his classmate, the previous part made you clear that they both were best friends and after having a talk with his first love, his life is going to change drastically. After that day, nothing much disturbed their chats rather they were the same as they were before. To speak about that girl, she is really beautiful as well as a pure soul, also she is smart in academics. Her nature was so adorabl...
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This world is changing at a great speed what you see a moment ago it drastically evolves and changes to something good. Every second of your life you evolve, you fall, you learn, you try, you evolve again again again and goes never ending. Life is to take simple and make simple.       Many have their own ways to do many stuffs simple. You might be having your own idea to make certain situations simple. But now the question arises how to put forth in public your views, your ideas. Simple here we come into picture we'll provide you with a platform to put forth your emotions, ideas, views in any form you want. Rather be a quote, poem, short story, liners or any kind you are comfortable with.       So the results are -       1. Srushti Sahu - First Prize of Rs. 600.       2. Virendra Pardesi - Second Prize of Rs. 400.       Congratulations for winning this Competition. Your unique work totally...