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Showing posts from June, 2017

एक सफर...

जिंदगी की इस प्रतियोगिता में ये धरती और विशाल आसमान के नीचे बचपन और जवानी संवरता हुआ राही और एक जंग अपनो और सपनो के बीच अपनो ने दिखाए हर रास्ते पर मंजिल की नजर आती परछाईयाँ कुछ कर गुजरने की कोशिश गुजरता वक्त है, खर्च हम होते है... इन कडी परिस्थितीयों में, कोई साथ ढुंडता और कोई सहारा मुश्किल है पर नामुंकिन नही आखिर मेरे दिल की पहली पुकार... कब तक ये राही अकेला चलेगा मासूम दिल को मेरे उसका जवाब मिलता और ये दुरियाँ करीब आती पल रोक देती, और यादों मे घोल देती मेरे नन्हे दिल को सहलाती, समझाती धुप , बारिश मे मेरा छाता पकडती उम्मीदों की तरंगे उछल के ख्वाबों मे ले जाती क्या यही प्यार है ??? वो बस प्यार की तलाश करेगा ना वो धर्म, जात, रंग, संस्कृती देखेगा क्योंकी प्यार का कोई धर्म नही होता वो अपने आप मे एक धर्म है क्या वो खोज पाप है ??? राह मे उसके बहुत बार टकराएगा गिर कर उठना उसकी आदत बन जाएगी सारी दुनिया को मात देगा बस अपना प्यार पाने के लिये क्योंकी हर धडकन किसी के नाम होती होगी खून से उसे नहलाएगा, सब कुछ हार जाएगा ...

65 Days - Part 2

Life is very complicated especially for teenagers, everything goes smooth until and unless they fall in love with someone special. It is the time where life moves into a field full of complications. This far we know about a boy falling in love, and that love was not fragile to break apart but then too there were few questions which came out of nowhere. As I said, life had turned its pace towards multiple complications. And it was their turn to face them. It is now the month of March where she decided to make her career in Mathematics instead of MBBS. That guy was really lucky to have her in his life, the only reason to make such decision was she wanted to marry him, but she knew her family would pressurize her to marry as soon as she completes her education at the age of 23. The fact that she was not ready to accept that how can she be happy to live her life with some other guy in place of him. So she decided to get a Ph. D. in mathematics which will take around 7 years to get comp...

We Don’t Talk Anymore

Hello I'm Rishi. I'm here to talk about few moments in my life which taught me a lot. It is somewhere back in mind, few words always makes me emotionally capricious when I call someone my best friend. Those doleful words dismaying me are "91% people are no longer  Friend with someone  Whom they once called  BEST FRIEND." Every one of us are always in position to answer when someone questions, "who's your best friend?” It was as simple as ABC when we were whippersnapper, but now when we are in early adulthood it is flinty for us. Same like you all I too had many bosom buddies. But they all were pro tempore. Until she hoofed in my life bestowing herself in my heart. The day I saw her for the first time, that excitement still flows in my veins even when I see her now. I always used get obsessed in solving the problems of every person I met in my life. But after facing many ups and downs because of few I was deviated on the path of self cente...