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We Don’t Talk Anymore

Hello I'm Rishi. I'm here to talk about few moments in my life which taught me a lot. It is somewhere back in mind, few words always makes me emotionally capricious when I call someone my best friend. Those doleful words dismaying me are
"91% people are no longer 
Friend with someone 
Whom they once called 
Every one of us are always in position to answer when someone questions, "who's your best friend?” It was as simple as ABC when we were whippersnapper, but now when we are in early adulthood it is flinty for us.
Same like you all I too had many bosom buddies. But they all were pro tempore. Until she hoofed in my life bestowing herself in my heart. The day I saw her for the first time, that excitement still flows in my veins even when I see her now.
I always used get obsessed in solving the problems of every person I met in my life. But after facing many ups and downs because of few I was deviated on the path of self centeredness. Until she kneaded some kindness in me again, knowingly or unknowingly I still don't know. If your old company meets you after a long span and says you haven't changed a bit, then it means you are on wrong track buddy. Change is rule of nature... I was illimitably in love with her but never expressed and detoured her with a fear of losing her. But feelings, they never stay underneath for long time instead they burst out like volcano, and it was almost the same time I expressed my feelings but in different words with beatitude words expressing love as well as care saying," Talking to you, laughing with you, being with you changes my whole mood...", believe me she was not dumb, she read my feelings but she never changed her feelings for me. Same girl with warmheartedness whom I loved intensely, I still never regret, I was exultant to be her friend rather than being her inamorato. Those instants made me smart enough in understanding that trusting someone is far beyond than loving someone. So I made her not only my lovable friend but also a trustworthy friend. But life never runs on a simple track like a passenger train in lieu it has to fly like a fighter jet. We both were good but something happened in black and cracks which developed because of me in past enlarged and it completely boomed and results were atrocious we ended up never talking to each other.
Believe me our friendship was not that fragile that we'll fall apart that easy. I tried a lot to take it back to normal but nothing's good. So I made my mind to move back. But I'm still in search of solution and while doing so I learnt one thing that TIME heals everything. I'm healed, what about you? Because a friend never turns his back and run away, I was with you and will always be. But the difference is before I was standing with you in your problematic time and now will be with you from shadows. And as I'm with you from shadows I don't expect same from you, your life-your decisions. Just want you to know that I trust you, and still believes in you as it is said once a friend always a friend... Friends for Eternity.

S R Agarwal



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