Yeah... Closed doors...
You would be thinking why the title is closed doors…
Let me ask you something...
Have you ever thought about the closed doors of your mind?
... Yes those closed doors... Which you haven't opened yet...
Just open them and peep in...
And you will find that you have a spark inside you...
A spark which has not been illuminated with light...
The light of your thoughts...
Just think about it.
Just illuminate the spark inside you...
Let it glow as bright as it can.
And then you will observe a modification in your life...
Everything will become just beautiful...
And you will realize the beauty inside you...
The only thing you have to do is just open those closed doors of your heart...
Let the world outside step in... Explore yourself...
Check out your talents...
And raise them...
Let them flourish...
Let your thoughts be widened... Let your dreams be achieved...
Let this world know that there’s something inside you which is ready to be cherished...
Admire yourself...
And let the world admire you...
Treasure the beauty of this world... Tell yourself that you are the most beautiful person I have known...
Learn to love yourself... Everyone has a hidden story behind the closed doors...
You too have...
Discover the one inside you...
And complete it in your own way...
Discern your talent, fears, hobbies, interest...
Just elucidate everything to yourself...
Learn to live...
Learn to love...
Learn to help...
And above all learn to be happy!!
- SrushtiShahu
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