DIWALI - The festival of lights
Again the festival of lights has arrived..
Everyone has a sense of joy and excitement..
People are busy decorating their houses with lights, rangolis and diyas..
Everyone is wishing happy Diwali to each other..
But when do we know that our Diwali is happy?..
Is it only when our houses look pretty?..
Is it only when we see the fireworks in the sky.?..
Is it only when we eat those sweets of Diwali?..
Is it only when we greet each other?..
No.. Not at all..
Our Diwali will be a happy one only when we illuminate the light inside us..
That light which is capable of providing brightness to all the people around..
The light of kindness..
The light of joy..
The light of humanity..
The light of happiness..
Yes.. This Diwali lets illuminate the light inside us..
Lets make this world brighter than it is today..
Lets light up lamps of happiness..
Lets make people happy.. Not by distributing sweets.. But by our sweetness..
This Diwali lets take care of environment too..
Instead of burning crackers.. Burn the negativity inside u..
Instead of spreading smoke all around the atmosphere.. Spread happiness and brightness in the air..
Instead of producing huge amount of noise through bursting crackers... Sing some songs which will bring joy among people..
Instead of decorating your house.. Decorate this world with happiness..
Instead of releasing those earthen lamps in the sky.. release a smile on you face..
There's darkness all around the world..
Lets light up lamps and make that darkness disappear.. So that Every part of the world may shine brightly.. And each day will be Diwali..
A Diwali which will mark the end of poverty..
A Diwali which will symbolize humanity..
A Diwali which will bring happiness in the lives of each and every person on earth.
A Diwali which will be much more than a festival.. A Diwali which will be a feeling..
A feeling of happiness..
A feeling of joy..
A feeling of safety..
A feeling which will be felt by everyone.. Everyday..!!
This Diwali lets try to make everyone smile....because the happiness you experience while watching someone smile is much more greater than the happiness you feel while burning those crackers..
This Diwali lets illuminate the spark inside u.. That spark which will bring out the hidden talents of you.. Bring them out and flourish them.. Let the world see the artist inside u...
This Diwali burst you ego not crackers...
Pledge for noise free diwali..
Pledge for pollution free Diwali..
Pledge for a happy Diwali!!
May the Divine Light of Diwali Spread into your
Life Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health...
Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous Diwali!!
-Srushti Shahu
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