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Showing posts from May, 2019

65 Days - Part 3

When we achieve something new in our life, we tend to forget about our past. But the clock never stops it goes round and round in one direction. So it is on us how we deal with our clock in life. Now you must be wondering about why I am using such philosophical statements, but these statements do resemble someone’s life, and he is none other than our protagonist. We know about the most shocking day of his life, after which he learned a few things which he made his principles, of not falling in true love with someone again. And we also know about how he was engrossed in late night chats with his classmate, the previous part made you clear that they both were best friends and after having a talk with his first love, his life is going to change drastically. After that day, nothing much disturbed their chats rather they were the same as they were before. To speak about that girl, she is really beautiful as well as a pure soul, also she is smart in academics. Her nature was so adorabl...

Tipsy Attitude

Tipsy Attitude What makes me feel worried about me is my destiny, What keeps me inspiring is my past, What keeps me approaching is my adaptability, And the reason I come at distinction is desire to never stand last. What keeps me feel alive is the will to live, What keeps me feel special is uniqueness that I have, What keeps me to avoid mistakes is generosity to forgive, And what keeps me in community is the bond of trust we have. What keeps me to provoke my dream is to aim beyond sky, What makes my words emphatic is cogitative speech, What makes me to take right choice is prudent way to rectify, And what makes the peak of success dwarf is my tipsy attitude to reach. -Sushant Shinde

Waiting for you

Waiting for you I’m certainly not sure about our relation but still I love you, I hadn’t let you fall off my eyes yet and I’ll never do. Yes ‘no’ was the only word I heard when you were asked about it, But you won’t believe still I find you as my perfect fit. I never dreamt of you because I never slept, You were secret to the beat of my heart that I always kept. The heart which might beat on and on because you are here on this earth, And you believe me or not but your presence makes it heaven and brings mirth. Some people say that I’ve got bad choice for me and will get a better one, But I want to tell them that it’s the love of a true heart and not just a toy for fun. I really don’t know what’s wrong with me that I’m still mad for you, Time will surely flow away but still I’ll be waiting all the way only for you. -Sushant Shinde.